WorldState Spreadsheet - A Tabletop RPG Tool

Links to try it out
Interactable Demo sheet, filled with notes following a sample use case for the sheet.
Manual, contains a breakdown of each sheet and code
Full blank sheet to copy and edit, ready for GM use.
A custom Google Sheet app for managing tabletop worlds
Designed to keep track of player and NPC relationships while quickly generating relevant prompts or interest points for Game Masters.
Presents a modular approach, so behavior is easily extended or restricted for the needs of the game.
Automate faction interactions and relationships
Maintains and displays a relationship table, which can update in regards to both player and NPC interactions.
Help facilitates faction interactions without the need for direct player involvement
Generate quests and random events
Build content for your campaign using information taken from the faction tables, without needing other tools
Creation Information
Developed individually over Spring 2018 as an independent study and custom project at RIT
All coding and writing done personally
Updates intermittently
Uses Google Sheets, and has custom functions programmed in GoogleAppScript
Special thanks to Professor David Simkins
Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright 2018