WorldState Spreadsheet - A Tabletop RPG Tool

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A custom Google Sheet app for managing tabletop worlds

  • Designed to keep track of player and NPC relationships while quickly generating relevant prompts or interest points for Game Masters.

  • Presents a modular approach, so behavior is easily extended or restricted for the needs of the game.

Automate faction interactions and relationships

  • Maintains and displays a relationship table, which can update in regards to both player and NPC interactions.

  • Help facilitates faction interactions without the need for direct player involvement

Generate quests and random events

  • Build content for your campaign using information taken from the faction tables, without needing other tools

Creation Information

  • Developed individually over Spring 2018 as an independent study and custom project at RIT

  • All coding and writing done personally

  • Updates intermittently

  • Uses Google Sheets, and has custom functions programmed in GoogleAppScript

  • Special thanks to Professor David Simkins

  • Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright 2018